Contact your solicitor free credit report report Lake Charles or legal aid and they might be able to guide you on that issue. Something to keep in mind though is that the credit provider has a positive obligation to be able to prove that they have complied with the legislation. If they cant prove it, it brings the validity of the default into question. Thankyou for your reply it is much appreciated and great that you take the time to help people out as this sort of thing can leave myself and im sure alot of people pulling our hair out(or what is left) free credit report report Lake Charles i guess i needed technical help in trying to get this clearout/default removed i spoke to the company who took over my debt after my credit provider went insolvent asking for the proof that the default/clearout was placed correctly and they followed the correct criteria in listing it in the first place, they then told me that neither has my records anymore , so free credit report report Lake Charles my question is if they can not provide me with documents or proof is that grounds for me to ask to have this removed? credit report monitoring just add that all they could provide me with was notes that they called free credit report report Lake Charles etc but my file no longer exists Hi Josh, Glad I could help I am having a similar issue. Last year in May I applied for a car loan for my business (sole trader). I went to DnB (as Id moved a few times over the years and anything was possible) but fortunately there was nothing on my file.
2 days later was telephoned by the yard advising there were 2 defaults on my file. free credit report ca
I asked how it was possible and they told me that DnB was free credit report report Lake Charles useless database and no one used them Veda was the one that people checked. I immediately went to Veda and found free credit report report Lake Charles 2 defaults listed by Credit Corp Group. I knew nothing of them at all so called this Credit Corp mob. They advised me that they were purchased debts from 2 companies in 2004 and 2006. Seeing 6 years had passed on free credit report report Lake Charles 1 of them I was not obliged to pay it but the default would remain. I had no idea about either of the 2 so disputed the 6 year old one and settled the recent one. CCG removed the older one from default citing in an Email it was placed in error. credit online report Having paid the other one I wanted to deal with it after my loan went through.
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